PyratLabs / ˈpaɪ rət læbz /
Below is a list of projects published by PyratLabs, all of which
are Open Source. Please feel free to use them, alter them,
contribute and feed back.
Share the ♥.
PyratLabs is a brand of
Pyrat Ltd, founded by
Xan Manning in January
2017. Pyrat Ltd was originally created when Xan faced redundancy
in his role as a Systems/DevOps Engineer and was investigating
contracting roles. In February 2017, Xan found full time permanent
employment and Pyrat Ltd remained a domant company having never
A number of accounts had already been registered under the "Pyrat"
name and became a brand for which Xan publishes code, for example
"PyratLabs" on GitHub contains a number of free and open source
projects published for consumption by the community. Projects will
typically focus on Infrastructure as Code (IaC), automation and
configuration management.
This site and all of its content is © Pyrat Ltd